Monday, July 4, 2011

Welcome and Join

You walk through a dark forest, your fur bristling. You know you're in another cat's territory, you smell the scent everywhere. You silently walk through slowly, careful of not being seen, for it may just be the last thing you do. You're very weak, hungry, and tired and an attack will surely meet you and your death. You sigh in relief as you find you're almost near the end of your border when you hear a rustling in the bushes.
Your claws unseath in instinct and you snarl in alarm as a tortishell she-cat comes from the bushes. "Hello, I mean no harm." She says kindly. You flick your ear tip, willing to attack if you must and she smiles, "My name is Snakestar, welcome to the territory of SnakeClan, young loner." She says with a kind smile and she explains herself, "SnakeClan is my Clan and I need new joiners, my Clan is awfully small, only me, my siblings, and my mate." You flick your ear again and listen closely, the life of a loner is very difficult and a Clan-life is very interesting to you. "Well, if you would like to join I need to know a few things about you:"
Red= taken Purple= avaiable
Avaiable Ranks- Leader, Deputy, Medicine Cat, Medicine Cat Apprentice, Head Warrior, Warrior, Apprentice, Queen, Kit, Elder
Description(include gender):
Picture URL:
Rules- You must comment at least twice a week minimum, if you don't you will be declared inactive and might become elders or die.

Snakestar nods to you and leads you to her camp, "Welcome to SnakeClan, young loner!" She greets.


  1. Darkshadow
    Jet black tom with piercing, deep blue eyes. He is cunning, strong, and loyal. He likes to help whenever he can and is quite friendly.
    He was once a loner.

    Dark ginger tabby tom with dark green eyes. He is brave, loyal, and cunning though he is secretive. He doesn't talk about his past much. He is often arguing with other cats because he doesn't want him or his sister to be close to anyone. His sister is Rosepaw.

    Small, dark ginger tabby she-cat with white paws and green eyes. She is shy, kind, and quiet and that is because her past was rough. The only cat that knows is her brother Firepaw.

    Can I be allies with your clan?

  2. Breeze(bein Lazy:))July 4, 2011 at 3:08 PM

    Herro>:)oh jes id like to be allies too ill send an official comment once i figure out who the new leader will be:)

    dark silver tabby she-cat
    Quiet, secritive and slightly untrusting. She can hold a grudge and beleives in revenge. She prefers to sneak out at night and be by herself. Was known by others to kill cats if they were too injured or very sick, or if she didn't want to waste herbs, so most cats stayed away.
    Used to live as a loner. When she was younger and happier she met a very agressive black tom with yellow eyes. He took no mercy on her and almost killed her, had it not been for his kit saving her. She was left with a long scar running from the bridge of her eye down to the tip of her muzzle.

    black and white tom with gray eyes
    sly, cunning, and smart. Very lithe and fast while strong too. He's very boastful and show-offy.
    Lived as a rouge with his mother. His mother no longer wished to care for him, driving him away as soon as he could hunt.

    black tom
    verrrry untrusting. he doesn't like to meet new cats. Hes rude, mean, and often mutters to himself. He claims to "see" things and hear voices in his head, so most cats call him insane. Very good at fighting and stalking.
    Was a kitty-pet until he ran away.

    pure white fluffy she-cat
    always bright and kind to others. She always looks on the bright side of things and is often came to with problems for advice. She won't hesitate to help, but prefers working out problems to fighting. She met Silent(plight) in the woods and they have problems with each other

    haha thats a lot:)

  3. Name:Bumblepaw
    Description(include gender):grey tabby tom with amber eyes
    Personality:Bumblepaw is smart, sly, fast, protevtive, and ambitious, and he dosen't trust anyone he dosen't know. He loves to fight and he's one of the best fighters in the clan.
    History(optional):He used to be in a small clan untill twolegs attacked them and captured everyone but Mistykit and him. He dosen't really like to talk about his past.
    Picture URL: kitten/CamrynTTC/avatar/kitten-grey-fluffy.jpg?o=10

    Description(include gender):White she-cat with amber eyes
    Personality:Mistykit is smart, kind, helpful, and fast. She wants to be a medican cat when she grows up.
    History(optional):She used to be in a small clan untill twolegs attacked them and captured everyone but Bumblepaw and her.
    Picture URL:
